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Manual grading via CSV files, with feedback

Posted on 2024-07-23 by Matt West

Thanks to design input from James Balamuta, David Dalpiaz, and Nathan Bowman, PrairieLearn now supports offline manual grading with feedback. See the documentation for details, or read on below.

Step 1: Configure questions for manual grading. To indicate that a particular question is manually graded, set "grading Method": "Manual" in the info.json file. It's a good idea to also set these questions to only use a single random variant per student. Manually-graded questions allow students to "Save" as many answer attempts as they want, but they don't have a "Save & Grade" button. The info.json file should look like:

    "uuid": "cbf5cbf2-6458-4f13-a418-aa4d2b1093ff",
    "gradingMethod": "Manual",
    "singleVariant": true,

To show manual feedback, the question.html file should contain an element to display the feedback next to student submissions. A basic template that uses Markdown is:

  <p>Feedback from course staff:</p>

Step 2: Download a CSV file with the student answers. After students have completed the assessment, download <assessment>_submissions_for_manual_grading.csv from the "Downloads" tab. This file contains the student answers and other question information like random parameters. An example is shown below. If the students uploaded files then you can also download <assessment> from the "Downloads" tab.

Screenshot of CSV for grading

Step 3: Fill in scores and feedback, and upload the CSV. Fill in the last two empty columns in the CSV file, and then upload it on the "Uploads" tab for the assessment. That's it! You can leave either score_perc or feedback blank if you don't need it.