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Improved security in the C/C++ Autograder

Posted on 2024-07-23 by Jonatan Schroeder

Based on the work performed by Khaled Attili, a Computer Security student at York University in Toronto, the security of the C/C++ autograder has been improved. In particular, Khaled identified ways in which students could trick the autograder for some types of questions into providing a passing grade. The autograder has been updated to ensure these attack vectors are no longer possible.

The changes listed above are not expected to affect the vast majority of questions. However, instructors using the libcheck-based unit testing in the autograder are encouraged to review their test cases in some particular scenarios listed below:

Instructors using forked versions of the C/C++ autograder are encouraged to update their repositories to get access to the new changes. Note that these changes only affect tests using libcheck-based unit testing, so code that relies on other testing methods (e.g., output-based comparison) is not affected.