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Editing all course content in a web browser

Posted on 2024-07-23 by Matt West

Thanks to a huge amount of work by Tim Bretl, PrairieLearn now allows you to edit all course content directly within your web browser. This includes JSON files, HTML pages, Python scripts, and many other file types. Just click on the "Files" tabs and look for "Edit" buttons.

Edit on the main PrairieLearn website. You can edit files directly on the live website. This will automatically commit them to GitHub, so you stay in sync, and will also make the changes live immediately. This is especially convenient when you want to make a small change to a question or assessment. Only users who are course "Owners" or "Editors" can edit files. These permissions can be set by clicking on the Course Name (e.g., "XC 101") in the top navigation bar and then the "Access" tab.

Edit on your local computer. PrairieLearn will always continue to support editing course content on your local computer and syncing via git. As well as using a local file editor, you can now also edit files locally in your web browser. Unlike editing on the production website, local editing will not automatically sync to GitHub or make changes live.

Copy via the "Settings" tab. The easiest way to make a new question, assessment, or whole course instance is to copy an existing one. To do this, go to the "Settings" tab for the object you want to copy and look for the "Copy" button near the bottom. Copying will automatically generate a new UUID for you and put you on the "Settings" tab for the new object so you can edit its name. You can even copy questions between courses!

Easy question renaming. Previously, changing the QID of a question (the directory name) meant that you had to update all assessments that referenced it. Now, if you use the "Change QID" button on the "Settings" tab of a question, then all assessments using that question will be automatically updated.