Number Name Color Description
1 Template orange1 Templates to copy as the start for a new question.
2 Autograder orange2 Questions using the external code grading feature.
3 Element orange3 Overviews for each feature available within an element.
4 Demo purple1 Demonstration questions showcasing PrairieLearn Features.
5 Workshop Demo pink2 Demonstration questions from the PrairieLearn workshop.
6 Gallery purple1 Example questions highlighted in
7 Drawing purple2 Create interactive drawings.
8 Custom gray1 Generate custom elements or styles within PrairieLearn.
9 Manual gray2 Submission that must be graded manually.
10 Algebra red3 Basic algebra.
11 Calculus yellow3 Single and multiple variable calculus.
12 Vectors blue3 Vector algebra in 3D.
13 Functions pink3 Writing and calling functions in code.
14 Energy purple3 Mechanical energy; kinetic and potential.
15 Particle kinetics red3 Newton's equation for point masses.
16 Coding turquoise3 Writing computer code.
17 Center of mass green3 Calculating the center of mass for irregular bodies and systems.
18 Linear algebra brown3 Matrix math.
19 Math orange1 Mathematics topics
20 Engineering orange1 Engineering topics
21 Circuits gray1 Auto-generated from use in a question; add this topic to your infoCourse.json file to customize
22 Workspace gray1 Auto-generated from use in a question; add this topic to your infoCourse.json file to customize