Collection 4: Questions
Name QID Topic Tags Auto Points Manual Points Mean score Num. Submissions Histogram Other Assessments Actions
Zone 1. Submission Elements (Choose all questions)
1. Element pl-multiple-choice: Input of multiple choice answers element/multipleChoice Element balamut2 Sp19 2/10
2. Element pl-checkbox: Input multiple selection options element/checkbox Element mfsilva balamut2 2/10
3. Element pl-number-input: Input of real and complex numbers element/numberInput Element balamut2 Sp18 2/10
4. Element pl-dropdown: Fill in the blanks element/dropdown Element steca 2/10
5. Element pl-order-blocks: Dragging blocks to form the solution of a problem element/orderBlocks Element 2/10
6. Element pl-integer-input: Input of integers element/integerInput Element balamut2 Sp19 2/10
7. Element pl-symbolic-input: Input of symbolic answers element/symbolicInput Element tbretl 2/10
8. Element pl-big-o-input: Input of asymptotic expressions element/bigOInput Element tuedo2 erobson2 samuelr6 2/10
9. Element pl-units-input: Input of answers with units element/unitsInput Element erobson2 units 2/10
10. Element pl-string-input: Input of short strings element/stringInput Element mfsilva balamut2 2/10
11. Element pl-matching: Match statements with options. element/matching Element nealterrell 2/10
12. Element pl-matrix-component-input: Input of matrices in grid format element/matrixComponentInput Element mfsilva 2/10
13. Element pl-matrix-input: Matrix algebra with complex values demo/matrixComplexAlgebra Element tbretl sp18 2/10 E5
14. Element pl-rich-text-editor: In-browser rich text editor element/richTextEditor Element jonatan 2
15. Element pl-file-editor: In-browser file editor element/fileEditor Element balamut2 code 2/10
16. Element pl-upload: upload a file element/fileUpload Element mfsilva 2
17. Examples from element documentation element/codeDocumentation Element balamut2 Sp19 2/10
Zone 2. Decorative Elements (Choose all questions)
18. Element pl-code: Display code with syntax highlighting element/code Element 2/10
19. Element pl-hidden-hints: Display progressive hints element/hiddenHints Element erobson2 Fa22 2/10
20. Element pl-python-variable: Display of Python variables element/pythonVariable Element nnytko2 2/10
21. Element pl-dataframe: Display of Pandas DataFrames element/dataframe Element erobson2 2/10
22. Element pl-figure: Display a statically or dynamically generated image element/figure Element bojinyao 2/10
23. Element pl-file-download: Download files and generated data element/fileDownload Element tbretl 2/10
24. Element pl-variable-output: Display matrix and scalar data element/variableOutput Element eliving2 Sp19 2/10
25. Element pl-matrix-latex: Display of 2D numpy arrays in latex format element/matrixLatex Element mfsilva 2/10
26. Element pl-graph: Displaying graphs from data element/graph Element nnytko2 2/10
27. Element pl-overlay: Positioning elements on top of other elements element/overlay Element mfsilva 2/10
28. Element pl-xss-safe: present potentially malicious student code element/xssSafe Element manual jonatan 2
29. Element pl-card: Display content within a card-styled component element/card Element balamut2 tyang15 2/10
Zone 3. Conditional Elements (Choose all questions)
30. Elements to show or hide text in specific panels element/panels Element mwest 2/10