Collection 1: Questions
Name QID Topic Tags Auto Points Manual Points Mean score Num. Submissions Histogram Other Assessments Actions
Zone 1. Checkbox Input (Choose all questions)
1. Select the correct answers gallery/checkbox/simple Gallery mfsilva Sp21 1/1
2. Select the correct answers (with randomized parameters) gallery/checkbox/complex Gallery mfsilva Sp21 1/1
Zone 2. Include Figure (Choose all questions)
3. Select the appropriate points gallery/includeFigure/simple Gallery mfsilva Sp21 1/1
4. Select the appropriate points (with dynamic figure) gallery/includeFigure/complex Gallery mfsilva Sp21 1/1
Zone 3. Multiple-choice Input (Choose all questions)
5. Simple multiple-choice question gallery/multipleChoice/simple Gallery mfsilva Sp21 1/1
6. Randomized multiple-choice question gallery/multipleChoice/complex Gallery mfsilva Sp21 1/1
7. Randomized multiple-choice question with dynamic drawing gallery/multipleChoice/advanced Gallery mfsilva Sp21 1/1