Homework 9: Uploads

Upload a CSV file to set per-question scores for individual students. Show details...

Upload a CSV file in the format of the <assessment>_submissions_for_manual_grading.csv file from the Downloads page. See the Manual Grading documentation.

Alternatively, the CSV file can be in the format:

student1@example.com,1,addTwoNumbers,34.5,The second step was wrong
student2@example.com,1,matrixMultiply,100,Great job!

The instance column indicates which assessment instance to modify. The total scores for the assessments will be automatically recalculated. The feedback will be attached to the most recent student submission. To change the per-question points, replace the score_perc column above with a points column.

By default the updates above change the manual portion of the grades for the instance question, in such a way that the sum of the new manual portion with the existing autograding portion matches the total listed in the points or score_perc columns above. It is, however, possible to replace these columns with manual_points and auto_points (or manual_score_perc and auto_score_perc) for more fine-tuned change of grade components.

Upload a CSV file to set the total assessment score for individual students. Show details...

Upload a CSV file like this:


The example above will change the total assessment percentage scores for student1@example.com to 63.5% and for student2@example.com to 100%. The instance column indicates which assessment instance to modify, and should be 1 if there is only a single instance per student.

Alternatively, the total assessment points can be changed with a CSV containing a points column, like:


For assessments using group work, use the group_name column instead:

Number Date Description User Status Actions
No previous uploads.