Number Name Color Description
1 mwest gray1 Question originally written by mwest
2 tbretl blue1 Question originally written by tbretl
3 mfsilva blue1 Question originally written by mfsilva
4 balamut2 orange1 Question originally written by balamut2
5 ressick2 gray1 Question originally written by ressick2
6 eliving2 gray1 Question originally written by eliving2
7 tpl101 gray1 Question originally written for the XC 101 example course
8 fa17 gray1 Question written in Fall 2017
9 sp18 gray1 Question written in Spring 2018
10 su18 gray1 Question written in Summer 2018
11 fa18 gray1 Question written in Fall 2018
12 v2 red1 v2 generation question
13 v3 green1 v3 generation question (freeform)
14 pearl yellow3 Question originally written by pearl
15 numeric brown1 The answer format is one or more numerical values.
16 symbolic blue1 The answer format is a symbolic expression.
17 drawing yellow1 The answer format requires drawing on a canvas to input a graphical representation of an answer.
18 MC green1 The answer format is choosing from a small finite set of answers (multiple choice, possibly with multiple selections allowed, up to 10 possible answers).
19 code turquoise1 The answer format is a piece of code.
20 multianswer orange2 The question requires multiple answers, either as steps in a sequence or as separate questions.
21 graph purple1 The question tests reading information from a graph or drawing a graph.
22 concept pink1 The question tests conceptual understanding of a topic.
23 calculate green2 The questions tests performing a numerical calculation, with either a calculator or equivalent software.
24 compute purple1 The question tests the writing and running of a piece of code to compute the answer. The answer itself is not the code, but could be a numeric answer output by the code, for example (use `code` when the answer is the code).
25 software orange1 The question tests the use of a specific piece of software (e.g., Matlab).
26 estimation red2 Answering the question correctly will require some amount of estimation, so an exact answer is not possible.
27 secret red3 Only use this question on exams or quizzes that won't be released to students, so the question can be kept secret.
28 nontest green3 This question is not appropriate for use in a restricted testing environment, so only use it on homeworks or similar.
29 Sp15 gray1
30 Su15 gray1
31 Fa15 gray1
32 Sp16 gray1
33 Su16 gray1
34 Fa16 gray1
35 Sp17 gray1
36 Su17 gray1
37 Fa17 gray1
38 Sp18 gray1
39 Su18 gray1
40 Fa18 gray1
41 Sp19 gray1
42 Su19 gray1
43 Fa19 gray1
44 Sp20 gray1
45 Su20 gray1
46 Fa20 gray1
47 Sp21 gray1
48 Su21 gray1
49 Fa21 gray1
50 nnytko2 gray1 Auto-generated from use in a question; add this tag to your infoCourse.json file to customize
51 tyang15 gray1 Auto-generated from use in a question; add this tag to your infoCourse.json file to customize
52 jonatan gray1 Auto-generated from use in a question; add this tag to your infoCourse.json file to customize
53 sp20 gray1 Auto-generated from use in a question; add this tag to your infoCourse.json file to customize
54 su20 gray1 Auto-generated from use in a question; add this tag to your infoCourse.json file to customize
55 workspace gray1 Auto-generated from use in a question; add this tag to your infoCourse.json file to customize