Number Name Color Description
1 Algebra red3 Basic algebra.
2 Calculus yellow3 Single and multiple variable calculus.
3 Vectors blue3 Vector algebra in 3D.
4 Functions pink3 Writing and calling functions in code.
5 Energy purple3 Mechanical energy; kinetic and potential.
6 Particle kinetics red3 Newton's equation for point masses.
7 Coding turquoise3 Writing computer code.
8 Center of mass green3 Calculating the center of mass for irregular bodies and systems.
9 Linear algebra brown3 Matrix math.
10 Test gray3 Feature examples.
11 Names red2 Questions to help you learn names.
12 Statistics blue2 Probability distributions.
13 Autograder gray1 Auto-generated from use in a question; add this topic to your infoCourse.json file to customize
14 Element gray1 Auto-generated from use in a question; add this topic to your infoCourse.json file to customize
15 Demo gray1 Auto-generated from use in a question; add this topic to your infoCourse.json file to customize
16 Custom gray1 Auto-generated from use in a question; add this topic to your infoCourse.json file to customize
17 Manual gray1 Auto-generated from use in a question; add this topic to your infoCourse.json file to customize
18 Workspace gray1 Auto-generated from use in a question; add this topic to your infoCourse.json file to customize