Homework 1: Questions
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Zone 1. Zone 1: Unlimited question variants with one single attempt (Choose all questions)
1. Checkboxes: random prompt template/checkbox/random-prompt Template 1/6 HW3 E2 E4
2. String input: random parameters and correct answer template/string-input/random Template 1/3 HW3
3. Symbolic input: random parameters and correct answer template/symbolic-input/random Template 1/6 C6 HW3 E2 E4 E5
Zone 2. Zone 2: Unlimited question variants with prescribed number of attempts (Choose all questions)
4. Illustrate a vector demo/annotated/engVectorDrawing Math mfsilva Su20 2/6 HW3
5. Compute the normal stress demo/annotated/engBeamStress Engineering mfsilva Su20 2/6 HW3
Zone 3. Zone 3: Single question variant with unlimited number of attempts (Choose all questions)
6. Construct the recipe for a new probiotic demo/annotated/engMarkovBrewing Engineering nnytko2 Sp21 8/8 HW3