Exam 4: Questions
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Zone 1. Auto-graded questions (Choose all questions)
1. Choose 1 question from:
1.1. Checkboxes: random prompt template/checkbox/random-prompt Template 5 HW1 HW3 E2
1.2. Multiple choice: random correct answer template/multiple-choice/random Template 5 C6 E2
2. Choose 1 question from:
2.1. Multiple choice: images as choices template/multiple-choice/images Template 5,1 C6 E2
2.2. Template pl-multiple-choice: Fixed correct answer, randomly chosen distractors demo/multipleChoiceSingleCorrect Demo balamut2 Sp20 5,1 C6 E2
3. Choose 1 question from:
3.1. Multiple choice: random true/false question from list template/multiple-choice/random-prompt-true-false Template 5 C6 E2
3.2. Multiple choice: random question from list template/multiple-choice/random-prompt Template 5 C6 E2
4. Choose 1 question from:
4.1. Motion of an object demo/fixedCheckbox Demo 5,2 E2 E5
4.2. Symbolic input: random parameters and correct answer template/symbolic-input/random Template 5,2 C6 HW1 HW3 E2 E5
Zone 2. Manually graded questions (Choose all questions)
5. Demo: Fibonacci function, file upload, manual grading demo/manualGrade/codeUpload Demo code 10,7,4 5
6. Demo: File upload for manual grading demo/fileDownloadUpload Demo mfsilva 10 HW3
7. Demo: Markdown editing with live preview demo/markdownEditorLivePreview Demo nnytko2 code jonatan 5 C6 HW3